423501 Nature Bird Netting \\"Nano\\" 5x4 m Blue - NOVO

ALCATRAZ d.o.o. (Prikaži sve oglase)

Lokacija  Ježdovec, Zagreb - Okolica, Grad Zagreb (Pogledaj na karti)

Telefon  01/5629-850

Oglas je aktivan od 16.05.2022.
Oglas pregledan: 330 puta
Šifra oglasa: 4952638

60,40 €

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--------------------------------------------------------------------- The Nature Nano Bird Net is made of high-density polyethylene with a density of 22 g/㎡, enabling it practicable for several times to protect your sedlings, young shoots and fruit from being damaged by birds. The net is suspended from posts if it is stretched over the area to be protected, or placed over plants and trees. Additionally its blue colour prevents birds from landing on the net as it bears a repellent effect. The knitted mesh is 8 mm wide on the sides. Thanks to its low weight and great elasticity, it enables plants to grow freely as well as prevent young shoots from becoming ingrown. The net is weather-resistant, and consequently it's suitable for use several times. The bird net is the ecological safeguard for fruit trees, plants and vines. - Boja: Plava
- Material: HDPE (high-density polyethylene)
- Overall size: 5 x 4 m (L x W)
- Mesh size: 8 x 8 mm
- Density: 22 g/㎡
- Weather-resistant
- Otporno na UV zrake
- The colour has repellent effect
Šifra proizvoda: XL423501
Očekivani rok isporuke: 3 - 7 radnih dana
Izdajemo R1 račun za tvrtke i obrte
Izdajemo E-račun
Mogućnost plaćanja:
- virmanski / internet bankarstvom / mobilnim bankarstvom
- kartično / do 6 rata
- paypal
- kriptovalutama - Bitcoin / Ether / Bitcoin Cash / Stellar Lumen / Ripple / DAI / EOS
Dostava se naplaćuje 6 € za cijelu Hrvatsku
Sve proizvode šaljemo u Sloveniju. Dostava se naplaćuje 6 € za cijelu Sloveniju.
Više informacija o proizvodu možete pronaći na:
web: www.alcatraz.hr
facebook: www.facebook.com/alcatrazhr
e-mail: [email protected]
tel: +(385) 1 5629 850

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