Ovaj oglas je istekao!

Građevinska parcela Zagrebačka županija

anazoricaahlin (Prikaži sve oglase)

Lokacija  Gornji Šarampov, Ivanić-Grad, Zagrebačka (Pogledaj na karti)

Telefon  091/337-6546, 091/455-0510

Oglas pregledan: 2966 puta
Šifra oglasa: 5487882

75.000 €

Moguća dostava na Vašu kućnu adresu
Osnovni podaci
Vrsta zemljišta: Građevinsko
Površina: 1.546,00 m²
Dozvole: vlasnički list
Blizina javnog prijevoza: Da
Moguća zamjena: Da
Detalji o zemljištu

Opširnije o oglasu

Izvrsna prilika za kupnju građevinske parcele u Ivanić Gradu. Ova izvanredna zemljišta ima pristup dvjema asfaltiranim prometnicama, Naftaplinskom ulicom i Dalmatinskom ulicom, čineći je idealnim izborom za izgradnju vlastitog doma, poslovne zgrade ili investiciju.
Katastarske Čestice: 1448 i 1449
Katastarska Općina: 312347, IVANIĆ GRAD
Adresa: Naftaplinska 33, Ivanić Grad
Infrastruktura: Parcela ima potpunu infrastrukturu dostupnu s obje prometnice. Kuća je spojena na struju i plin, dok voda dolazi iz bunara koji nikada ne presušuje.

Udaljenost: 38 km od Zagreba, 5 minuta do autoputa, 13 minuta pješice do autobusne/željezničke stanice i 17 minuta do centra grada.

Exceptional Opportunity for a Building Plot in Ivanić Grad

I present to you a rare opportunity - a building plot in the beautiful town of Ivanić Grad. This incredible parcel boasts access to two asphalted roads, Naftaplinska Street and Dalmatinska Street, making it the perfect choice for building your own home, a business property, or an investment.

Key Information:

Location: Superb location with access to two asphalted roads - Naftaplinska Street and Dalmatinska Street.

Infrastructure: The plot comes with complete infrastructure available from both roads. The house is connected to electricity and gas, while water is sourced from a well that never runs dry.

Cadastral Parcels: 1448 and 1449

Cadastral Municipality: 312347, IVANIĆ GRAD

Distance: 38 km from Zagreb, 5 minutes to the highway, 13 minutes on foot to the bus/train station, and 17 minutes to the city centre.

A Historic Town:

Ivanić Grad, with its history dating back to the 13th century, offers a rich cultural heritage and significant landmarks. The towns picturesque streets are lined with charming, well-preserved historic buildings, creating an ambience that reflects centuries of history and culture.

Unique Naftalan Spa:

Ivanić Grad is home to the renowned Naftalan spa. This one-of-a-kind facility offers a range of health and wellness services, with a new wellness and pool complex that provides relaxation and rejuvenation in a serene setting. The spas speciality, the healing properties of natural naftalan oil, has been sought after by visitors for generations.

Growing real estate values and opportunities for business projects.

This plot offers an outstanding opportunity for various purposes.