DOGMA NEKRETNINE d.o.o. (Prikaži sve oglase)

Telefon  099/733-5307, 022/646-360

Oglas je aktivan od 10.06.2023.
Oglas pregledan: 378 puta
Šifra oglasa: 5302910

6.550.000 €

Moguća dostava na Vašu kućnu adresu
Osnovni podaci
Vrsta zemljišta: građevinsko
Površina: 30.269,00 m²
Dozvole: vlasnički list

Opširnije o oglasu

TRIBUNJ ZEMLJIŠTE ZA ULAGANJE U KOMPLEKS TURIZMA I LJEČILIŠTA Zemljište se nalazi uz samo more pokraj mjesta Tribunj u Dalmaciji Hrvatska, ima 30 269 m 2. Dozvola za kompleks turizma i lječilišta je dostupna odmah, ali je investitor slobodan promijeniti projekt na bilo koji način u skladu s propisima o prostornom uređenju. Sam projekt bi se razvijao na lijepoj parceli uz more i sastoji se od 3 glavne komponente 1.Wellness hotela 4 zvjezdice 2. Sportski hotel sa višenamjenskom sportskom dvoranom 3.Hotel za starije osobe s poliklinikom Građevinsko područje nalazi se u Tribunju u blizini turističke destinacije Vodice i oko 8 km od grada Šibenika, Nalazi se između nacionalnih parkova Rijeka Krka i Kornati koji su udaljeni samo 1 h brodom. Područje ima veliku prirodnu, povijesnu i turističku baštinu, visoku ekološku vrijednost, u središte turističke destinacije Jadranskog mora Projekat je zamišljen kao medicinsko-rekreativni Wellness kompleks koji povezuje ljekovito komponente prirodnog sustava ponornica, mora i obale u jedinstven rehabilitacijski kompleks u kojem se provode tretmani kroz mikroklimatske uvjete i kroz četiri godišnja doba. Nadzemni dio sastoji se od parka sa sustavom bazena ispunjenih morskom vodom. Park sastavljen od lokalnog visokog i niskog raslinja posebno je bogat ljekovitim i aromatičnim biljem (ružmarin itd.) koje stvaraju stazu gdje se udiše aerosol. Topla morska voda pomiješana s biljnim esterima. Ljekovita fauna također je zasađena na zelenim fasadama okolnih zgrada, čime se pojačava aromatični učinak u svim prostorima Park je natkriven kupolom koja se po potrebi otvara i zatvara, te tako štiti biotop od lošeg vremena i jakih vjetrova Kupola je ostakljena upotrebom elektro solarno staklo koje po potrebi potamni i na taj način sprječava pregrijavanje i proizvodi električnu energiju. Na konstrukciji se nalazi i toplovodni sustav grijanja te sustavom \"umjetne kiše\", čime se površina parka može održavati tijekom cijele godine U podzemnom dijelu nalaze se četiri područja ::\" proljeće, ljeto, jesen, zima“ razne kombinacije bazena, jacuzzi bazena, tuševa i sauna s toplom morskom vodom, topla blaga fiziološka otopina i hladna slatka voda. Rehabilitacijski učinci ovise o vrsti terapiju koja je potrebna, a postižu se kombiniranjem vodenih tretmana pod određenim klimatskim uvjetima. Središnji dio je akvarij s autentičnom florom i faunom Jadranskog mora. Akvarij je u izravnom kontaktu s wellness sadržajima. U ovom području nalaze se zelene staklene kocke koje povezuju podzemni dio s nadzemnim vrt i osiguravaju potrebnu ventilaciju i vizualni kontakt. Prostori su povezana perifernim hodnikom sa svim potrebnim klinikama za dijagnostiku, presvlačenje, sobe i toaleti. Aromatičan vrt je zasađen autohtonim aromatičnim vrstama čiji esteri apsorbiraju visoku količinu aerosola morske vode. Bazeni morske vode griju se na 30 stupnjeva, a unutra od bazena nalaze se izvori hladne slatke vode, koji daju poseban \"topli hladni\" efekt unutar a pojedinačni bazen kupanje je moguće tijekom cijele godine uz isti način korištenja- Topla morska voda se zagrijava pomoću solarnih grijača Kupola se otvara ili zatvara, ovisno o klimatskim uvjetima, korištenjem računalnog sustava Projekt hotelskog kompleksa nalazi se u okviru Urbanističkog plana T1-Hotelsko naselje. U okviru ovog plana moguće je graditi sve vrste hotelskih i ugostiteljskih objekata sa pratećim zdravstvenim uslugama. •4*wellnesshotel: •BRP:19880m2 •118 soba, 250 kreveta •Sport hotel s višenamjenskim sportovima će: •BRP:7025m2 •61 soba, 122 kreveta •Hotel za starije osobe s poliklinikom: •5741,2m2 •Hotel:55soba,97kreveta •Poliklinika:6soba,19kreveta •Podrum (povezuje sve objekte): •8993,5m2 •199parkirnih mjesta Za cestovni sustav i za hotelsko odmaralište izdana je lokacijska dozvola sa svim prethodnim odobrenjima. UKUPNA VELIČINA PROJEKTA •ceste16318m2, •naselje:53254m2, •ukupno:69572m2(69,57ha) BRUTO GRAĐEVINSKA POVRŠINA:41922,5m2 SMJEŠTAJ: za 488 osoba Postoji mogućnost dokupa cca ~23.000m2 zemljišta. Stojim Vam na raspolaganju za sve dodatne informacije, te smo u mogućnosti u potpunosti Vam prezentirati i zemljište i projekat. Obratite se nam s povjerenjem Damir Varošanec 00 385 99 733 53 07 Ante Goleš 00 385 99 2223 054 TRIBUNJ LAND FOR INVESTMENT IN TOURISM AND SPA COMPLEX The land is located right next to the sea near the town of Tribunj in Dalmatia, Croatia, it has 30,269 m2. The permit for the tourism and spa complex is available immediately, but the investor is free to change the project in any way in accordance with the zoning regulations. The project itself would be developed on a beautiful plot by the sea and consists of 3 main components 1. Wellness hotel 4 stars 2. Sports hotel with multipurpose sports hall 3. Hotel for the elderly with a polyclinic The construction area is located in Tribunj, near the tourist destination of Vodice and about 8 km from the city of Šibenik. It is located between the national parks Rijeka Krka and Kornati, which are only 1 hour away by boat. The area has a great natural, historical and tourist heritage, high ecological value, in the center of the tourist destination of the Adriatic Sea The project is conceived as a medical-recreational Wellness complex that connects the medicinal components of the natural system of sinkholes, the sea and the coast into a unique rehabilitation complex where treatments are carried out through microclimatic conditions and through the four seasons. The above-ground part consists of a park with a system of pools filled with sea water. The park, composed of local high and low vegetation, is particularly rich in medicinal and aromatic herbs (rosemary, etc.) that create a path where the aerosol is inhaled. Warm sea water mixed with plant esters. Medicinal fauna is also planted on the green facades of the surrounding buildings, which enhances the aromatic effect in all areas. The park is covered with a dome that opens and closes as needed, thus protecting the biotope from bad weather and strong winds. The dome is glazed using electro-solar glass, which darkens when necessary, thus preventing overheating and producing electricity. The structure also has a hot water heating system and an \"artificial rain\" system, which allows the surface of the park to be maintained throughout the year. In the underground part there are four areas :: \"spring, summer, autumn, winter\" various combinations of swimming pools, jacuzzi pools, showers and saunas with warm sea water, warm mild physiological solution and cold fresh water. Rehabilitation effects depend on the type of therapy that is needed, and are achieved by combining water treatments under certain climatic conditions. The central part is an aquarium with authentic flora and fauna of the Adriatic Sea. The aquarium is in direct contact with the wellness facilities. In this area, there are green glass cubes that connect the underground part with the above-ground garden and provide the necessary ventilation and visual contact. The premises are connected by a peripheral corridor with all the necessary clinics for diagnostics, changing rooms, rooms and toilets. The aromatic garden is planted with autochthonous aromatic species whose esters absorb a high amount of seawater aerosols. The sea water pools are heated to 30 degrees, and inside the pool there are springs of cold fresh water, which give a special \"warm cold\" effect inside, and the individual pool can be used for swimming all year round with the same method of use. Warm sea water is heated using solar heaters The dome is opened or closed, depending on the climate, using a computer system The project of the hotel complex is part of the Urban Plan T1-Hotel Village. Within this plan, it is possible to build all types of hotel and catering facilities with accompanying health services. • 4* wellness hotel: • GRP: 19880m2 •118 rooms, 250 beds • A sports hotel with multipurpose sports will: • GRP: 7025m2 •61 rooms, 122 beds • Hotel for the elderly with a polyclinic: • 5741.2 m2 • Hotel: 55 rooms, 97 beds • Polyclinic: 6 rooms, 19 beds • Basement (connects all facilities): • 8993.5 m2 • 199 parking spaces A location permit has been issued for the road system and for the hotel resort with all previous approvals. TOTAL SIZE OF THE PROJECT • roads 16318m2, • settlement: 53254m2, • total: 69572m2 (69.57ha) GROSS BUILDING AREA: 41922.5 m2 ACCOMMODATION: for 488 people There is a possibility to buy approximately ~23,000m2 of land. I am at your disposal for any additional information, and we are able to fully present the land and the project to you. Contact us with confidence Damir Varošanec 00 385 99 733 53 07 Ante Goleš 00 385 99 2223 054 ID KOD AGENCIJE: DA1746 Damir Varošanec Suradnik za Dalmaciju Mob: 099/733-5307 Tel: 022/646-360, 022/646-361 E-mail: [email protected]

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